What is the Homeless Youth Point-in-Time Count?
The Homeless Youth Point-in-Time Count is a three-day annual event that allows the county to collect valuable information about the diverse experiences of runaway, unaccompanied homeless and unstably housed youth. Youth Count data provides critical updates on national and local progress towards preventing and ending youth homelessness.
You Wouldn't Know It
"Many homeless youth survive by couch surfing and sleeping in cars instead of the dominant perception of sleeping on the streets and begging for change. The majority of youth resist this stereotypical image in a variety of ways but because of their "invisibility," they are often the least served."
- Write Home Project
2022 Homeless Point-in-Time Count Results
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the purpose of the Youth Count?
The purpose of the Youth Count is to determine how many youths (age 18 - 24) are experiencing homelessness during the last week of January, gain critical insight into the needs, risks, and challenges this population faces, improve our understanding of youth homelessness to assist them better and to develop strategies to address youth homelessness. In addition, the information collected during the count helps bring federal and state funding to the County to create homeless programs to end homelessness among youth.
How can I participate in the Youth Count?
- Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to register as a youth volunteer.
- Volunteer requirements:
Use their mobile device and download an app to survey individuals
Complete an online volunteer training
Follow all guidelines to conduct a safe, accurate, and efficient homeless count
Who makes a good Youth Count volunteer?
- Youth-friendly (someone a youth would feel comfortable talking to)
- Youth who has experienced housing instability or homelessness
- College students or educators
- Youth coaches
- School counselors
- Advocates for ending homelessness
- Youth service provider staff
- Youth group coordinators/faith-based
- Anyone with a heart!
Home Connect
HomeConnect helps support individuals in a housing crisis by linking them to services and resources.
Homeless Runaway Youth 24-Hour Hotline
Anti-Human Trafficking 24-Hour Hotline
Domestic Violence 24-Hour Hotline
Emergency Shelters
Path of Life Ministries Emergency Shelter
Operation Safe House Youth Emergency Shelter
Youth Action Board
The Youth Action Board (YAB) is an active, committee within Riverside County’s Continuum of Care (CoC) and is directly focused on policies that relate to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Join the board to participate in policymaking decisions, serve as an ambassador and advocate for ending youth homelessness.