Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA)
PLHA. Purpose: In September 2017, the California Legislature approved Senate Bill 2 (SB 2), known as the Building Homes and Jobs Act (Act), which established a $75 recording fee on real estate documents to increase the supply of affordable housing. The Act establishes the Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) program administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The PLHA program provides a permanent source of funding to counties and cities to help meet the unmet need for affordable housing and increase the supply of affordable housing units.
PLHA. Eligible Uses:
- The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential live-work, rental housing that is affordable to extremely low-, very low-, low-, or moderate-income households, including necessary operating subsidies.
- The predevelopment, development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of Affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce earning up to 120-percent of AMI, or 150-percent of AMI in high-cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy for a term of no less than 30-days.
- Assisting persons who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid rehousing, rental assistance, supportive/case management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shelters, and the new construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing.
- Accessibility modifications in lower-income owner-occupied housing.
- Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments.
- Home-ownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance.
5-Year Estimated PLHA Grant Funding Allocation
The amount available to a jurisdiction is based on a formula. The State anticipates that the County of Riverside will receive approximately $23,977,026 in total in the first five years of the program (2019-2023).
Application for PLHA Funds
The applicant must complete the following application, including attachments and exhibits to be considered for funding. Additional application requirements include:
- An $1,000 application fee;
- One (1) original application;
- One (1) copy of the application; and
- One (1) electronic USB drive of the application.
For more information or if you questions regarding the application, send your request to